Vision Statement
Abundant Faith is a Kingdom-focused, Christian fellowship located in Humble, TX. We are committed to being God's agents of reconciliation on earth. We are in partnership with God in the re-creation of humanity. We endeavor to empower individuals, equip families, liberate the oppressed, and develop the saved. Therefore, we strive with all diligence to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to fruition on earth through Bible-based teaching that leads to revelation, application, and the demonstration of God's truth.
Mission Statement
Abundant Faith exists to love God, love others, and to launch Godly leaders.
What We Believe
The Bible is the Word of God and our Constitution to the kingdom of heaven.
We put FIRST God’s kingdom and His righteousness; therefore, we seek to always align with His will and way
We are image-bearers of eternal God and created primarily for His purposes.
We are accountable to God for the way we steward all of His resources, which includes our time, talents, relationships, and everything else He has trusted us to manage.
Jesus, the Christ, is God’s only provision for our access to Him. He is the head of the church, and we are made right with God based on the finished work of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is the Governor of the kingdom of Heaven and, thus, is our Counselor, Guide, Teacher, and Enabler leading us into the wisdom of God.​